The Regimental Museum​
Under the auspices of the Governor General’s Foot Guards Regimental Association, the Regimental Museum, which was established in 1950, operates under the management of two volunteer curators. Oversight is provided by the Association’s Museum Committee.
Our curators work tirelessly to make our historical displays meaningful and interesting.
The Museum is located within the Cartier Square Drill Hall at 2 Queen Elizabeth Drive, Ottawa ON, and is normally open on Tuesdays evenings from 7 – 9 PM during the Sep to May period. Arrangements for opening the Museum at other times may be made by contacting the curator staff at ggfgmuseum@gmail.com.
The Museum also contains the Regimental kit shop.
Financial assistance is provided by the Directorate of History and Heritage (DHH) and donations from interested individuals. It is a member of the Organization of Military Museums of Canada (OMMC) and the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN).