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A Great Time At Reunion 2017

Reunion 2017 is past and what a great time was had by all. On Saturday Sept 30th, the GGFG Regimental Association welcomed just over 140 attendees to the Cartier Square Drill Hall from eras ranging from WW II to brand new guardsmen.

A highlight was the speech given by the guest of honour, Yves Desjardins-Siciliano, CEO of Via Rail. He remarked that as a descendant of European immigrants who were liberated by Canadian in WW II, that he would not have been standing among us if it weren't for the actions and sacrifice of citizen soldiers like the GGFG.

He went on to comment on the award presented to VIA Rail earlier in the year by the Canadian Forces Liaison Council (CFLC) as the Most Supportive Employer in Canada. While grateful for the award, he spoke about the solid business case for hiring current and former soldiers citing qualities like taking the initiative, following through, and a lifestyle of order and discipline as desirable traits for star employees.

As the Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel of the Régiment de Maisonneuve, Mr. Desjardins-Siciliano has clearly had the opportunity to work closely with the reserve force and was proud to declare his plans for VIA Rail to not only continue its practice of hiring Reservists, but to actively encourage his employees to join up. He is an excellent speaker and his words brought us all to our feet.

Upon conclusion of his remarks, HCol Bryan Brulotte recognized him for his support to the Canadian military , naming him Friend of the Regiment.

A great time was had by all and I would encourage any past or currently serving member to make sure they don't miss next year's party.

Once A Guardsman, Always A Guardsman.

Up The Guards!


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