2019 Reunion Schedule
Fellow Guardsmen,
Attached is the schedule of events for this Saturday's 2019 GGFG Regimental Association reunion. We have over 100 scheduled attendees and I suspect there will be a few more sneak in before the deadline of tomorrow.
1:30 PM War Museum Visit: Guided Tour, Forcefull III
A lot of people are saying they are interested but there are limited spaces.
You of course can always come to the museum for free, but you may miss out on the guided tour if you haven't registered.
1:30pm - Arrive CWM Group Entrance.
Members make their way there on their own. There is parking onsite.
1:35pm - Guided Museum Tour (spaces limited!)
2:20pm - Health Break and gather in CWM Lobby.
2:30pm - Gather at Forceful III - Neal Porter, Bugler
2:45pm - Free time to wander
3:45pm - Depart Museum for Drill Hall.
Members make their way back on their own. There is parking at Ottawa City Hall, immediately next door.
​4:00 PM - Arrive at Cartier Square Drill Hall
​4:15 PM - Reconnect with the GGFG & the Association
There will be activities and stands on the drill hall floor. We are hoping to have the regimental museum open as well.
5:30 to 6:00 PM GGFGRA AGM - Sgt's Mess
We would ask all members to please attend the AGM. Please make an effort to get here in time and not just show up for the dinner.
6:15 - Act of Remembrance
6:30 - GGFG Band Performance
6:50 - Colour party to march on the colours
​7:00 - Buffet Dinner
3 x toasts, LCC Speech, Association President Speech
​11:30 - Adjourn