The Guards Star: February 2021

From the GGFGRA President
MWO Stephane Marleau, CD (Ret’d)
It has been a difficult year for everyone and many of our traditional Association activities have been slowed down or cancelled. However, the association continues to support the Regimental family in as many ways as we can. The Association continues to support various endeavours, which include the very active 150th Charitable Campaign steering committee and the newly formed 150th Anniversary Committee.

I had the honour of representing the Association at the Regiment’s Nov. 11th live streamed Remembrance Day commemoration at Beechwood Cemetery where we were able to honour our fallen at the tombs of Rogers and Osgoode. I also participated on behalf of the Association at the Regimental Christmas Dinner, hosted virtually on Zoom and had a chance to interact with many of our serving soldiers. The regiment has been adapting very well to the current situation.
Although we had to cancel our annual reunion dinner, I would like to thank Joe McNulty and Brad
Hampson who did their best to see if it was feasible. We are hoping that we will be able to have one in 2021.
Throughout the pandemic the association has helped to assist former members and serving members
alike through various activities like grocery runs for shut ins and financial assistance for serving members having difficulties making ends meet. It is heartening to see that the Association is able to be there for its members.
On a final note, I would like to highlight the efforts of Nicholas Petit, one of our museum curators, to
procure a piece of regimental history. He was able to acquire at auction the North West Rebellion Medal of CSgt Henry LeBreton Ross. Thanks to Colonel Bryan Brulotte and Jim Milne for helping Nic in this endeavour. We hope to have more information on CSgt Ross in a future edition of the Guards Star and we look forward to seeing this medal on display.
We hope that 2021 will bring back some normalcy to our association activities but as always, we
ask that everyone stay safe and hope that together we can get through this difficult time.
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